The Secret to Success and Wealth
November 2020
5 minute read
Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines.
While it seems self-evident that deadlines might be beneficial and help you to excel, it might not be obvious how they help and to what degree. Lets take a quick look at how deadlines help you improve.
- Motivation
- Prioritization
- Results
- Momentum
- Satisfaction
Motivation: A prerequisite for setting deadlines for yourself is to take inventory of your workload. In the process of formulating your personal timetable and goals, you will take stock of all the tasks that lie ahead of you. Just knowing what you're up against will motivate you to begin making progress. Hitting the highway feels better once you have a roadmap.
Prioritization: Congratulations! At this point, your focus is already paying off. You will see which tasks are most important, you will have a general idea of the time reqired for each task, and you will be motivated to start knocking them down.
Results: By the time you have gotten this far, you will more than likely have a few of your trival jobs completed and a plan of action for the remainder. Notice anything? That's right, you are getting it done. Remember, not all chores will be executed quickly. Don not set yourself up for failure. Allow yourself time.
Momentum: As your list shortens and you get closer to the end of the tunnel you will establish your rhythm. You will find yourself in a bout of productivity. Having excercised discipline to get this far, you will find yourself inspired to keep going. Now you're cookin' with gas.
Satisfaction: One major source of dignity is hard work. This will not be lost on you when you find yourself in a groove. Your proverbial ball is rolling, projects are being completed, revenue is steady. All because you set some deadlines for yourself and stuck to them.
If you were a famed culinary artist, you might rely upon a secret ingredient in one of your dishes. Allow deadlines to be your secret ingredient in your recipe for success. Simple, realistic, and easy to implement, you are sure to be pleased with your progess.
“Respect your deadline like it’s a field marshal.”
― Neeraj Agnihotri