2 Easy Tasks to Help You Live More Peacefully
September 2021
3 minute read
Life today can be complicated. At times, we are all busy, pulled in many directions simultaneously, and have too much to think about. What we really want is to feel satisfaction and ease--peace.
Well, living at ease is more simple than you might believe. There are a few simple daily tasks you can work into your routine that will help you maintain your mental health.
Practicing gratitude might sound cliché, but experts agree that it has the most effect on a person's overall positivity and mental serenity. Just a minute or two per day of intentional focus on what you have, and what you have recently accomplished, will do wonders for you. With just a few seconds of deliberate reflection each day you will feel better, more relaxed, and generally happier.
And it really is quite easy. Experts recommend that once per day, you grab a pen to formulate and list a few reflections from your recent experience. Simply write down:
- 3 things for which you are grateful
- 3 things you were able to achieve
Sure, it sounds elementary. But there is something to be said for a person's willingness to take a moment or two and to make earnest reflections like these. You'll find yourself engaging in an observation of your day in a new light. You might find yourself analyzing interactions with other people in new and positive ways. You will certainly notice an encompassing peace.
Try it. There is no trickery and it is not the sale of snake oil. The explanation is basic: gratitude is good for you.
“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”
― Epicurus